If you would like to apply for a 45-day Temporary IRP Registration, you will have to provide the following documents and information:
Your Name (required)
Your Email Address (required)
Your Phone Number (required)
SS# (if individual) or EIN# (if Corporation or LLC) (required)
Prospective employer information (required)
Please upload the following documents (total files size can not exceed 10MB):
1. Copy of your CDL or copy of driver's CDL (if applicant does not have a valid CDL) and a copy of your DL 2. Copy of the Articles of Incorporation for your company (if you would like to be registered under a corporate name) 3. Proof of ownership (Title, form ST-556, Bill of Sale or invoice (acceptable only if issued by a licensed dealer)) 4. HWY Use Tax (Form 2290) - if vehicle was purchased more than 60 days ago 5. Proof of address - you need to provide 4 documents with your name and current address on them, which cannot be older than 60 days. (The acceptable documents are - CDL, phone, electrical, gas, water, cable, internet bills, lease agreement for an apartment/house, mortgage statement, real estate tax bill, insurance – car or truck (cannot be an ID card, must be a certificate, declaration page or a bill) and voter's registration card. *The phone bill is mandatory)
Additional Notes (optional)